How to Simplify Maintenance Coordination at Tacoma Rental Properties

How to Simplify Maintenance Coordination at Tacoma Rental Properties

Washington State has a warranty of habitability, meaning a landlord guarantees the premises that tenants rent is safe enough to live in. As a Tacoma, Washington, landlord, you have to abide by this law.

To ensure your units are habitable dwellings, regularly maintain them. A maintenance coordination system can help keep you compliant and keep tenants happy.

Continue reading to learn about maintenance coordination best practices.

Set a Maintenance Budget

Prepare for maintenance and repair issues in your rentals by setting a property maintenance budget. Wear and tear damage is inevitable, so you'll want to save money to cover these minor repairs.

Don't forget about major renovations. Although they are less common, you should quickly fix the issue to ensure tenant satisfaction.

Consider setting aside money for a maintenance budget in a reserve fund. You can replenish the fund accordingly as rental income comes in each month.

If you hire a rental property management company, they won't pay for repairs. A property manager will take from the reserve fund to complete maintenance as needed.

Have a List of Contractors

When you have maintenance and repair issues, it's important to hire high-quality contractors who can help.

Keep a list of pre-screened contractors whom you can call at a moment's notice. Refer to the list whenever you need to schedule preventative maintenance or repairs.

If you hire a property management company to handle maintenance coordination, they will have a network of contractors they've worked with in the past.

Through their connections, they can help you find reputable workers who charge an affordable fee in Tacoma, Washington.

Create a Maintenance Schedule

Making small repairs and scheduling preventative maintenance can save you money over time. To stay on top of things, create a maintenance schedule.

A maintenance coordinator will make this schedule and include a list of everything that needs to be done and how often.

Try to complete maintenance work on the same day every week to avoid any surprises.

Schedule Rental Property Inspections

Your maintenance schedule should include regular rental property inspections. Property inspections can help landlords spot potential problems before they become costly repairs.

The best time to schedule inspections is when a tenant moves in and out. You can also schedule quarterly inspections to ensure the tenant is abiding by the lease agreement.

Keep your tenants in the loop about these inspections. Just because you own the property, doesn't always mean you have a right to enter unannounced.

If you have a property manager, they will handle all inspections for you.

Maintenance Coordination Best Practices

A lot goes into maintenance coordination. So much so that you might be thinking you don't have time to complete all of these tasks. Luckily, property management companies can help landlords like you.

At PMI South Sound, we provide residential and commercial property owners with the highest quality services. With our connections and state-of-the-art technology, we will build a foundation for seamless maintenance coordination.

We've been working in the Tacoma, Washington, real estate industry for over 20 years. Ready to benefit from our vast experience? Contact us today to learn more about our services.
