Rental Property Management: Do Property Managers Pay for Repairs in Tacoma, WA?

Rental Property Management: Do Property Managers Pay for Repairs in Tacoma, WA?

In Washington State, landlords are required to maintain rental units, so they don't violate state and local laws. Landlords are responsible for making repairs when something breaks in the unit if it isn't caused by normal wear and tear.

If you outsource your duties, what are the rental property company's responsibilities? Rental property management can handle maintenance coordination, but are they responsible for paying for repairs?

Keep reading to learn what you need to know in Tacoma, Washington.

Do Property Managers Pay for Repairs?

Rental property management companies can handle maintenance coordination but are not responsible for paying for repairs. The owner's money will cover repairs.

A property management company will likely ask you to add money to a reserve fund. As rental property maintenance and repair issues arise, they will use the funds to hire contractors.

Reserve Funds

The amount of money you need for rental property repairs will depend on a few factors, such as how many units you have. You can look at past accounting records to understand how much you spend on maintenance in a year.

As money is spent in the reserve fund, you can restore funds with the rental property income you make.

You can limit the amount of money spent on repairs. Talk to your property manager about average repair prices. If a repair is going to cost more than the amount set, a property manager will ask your permission before moving forward.

Who Makes Repairs?

Landlord duties include being responsible for repairs and maintenance, but you don't have to do them yourself. When you hire a property management company, you delegate the task to them.

With the funds you provide, a property manager will hire reputable contractors. Finding reliable workers requires some trial and error that may be costly. A property manager will likely have a network of professionals already.

You can weigh in with your preferences on contractors. If you've had a bad experience with a specific person or company in the past, ask your property manager to avoid these people, and vice versa.

Importance of Property Maintenance and Repairs

Landlords and property managers must stay on top of maintenance and repairs to stay compliant. In Tacoma, Washington, tenants have the right to a livable dwelling. Some of the common repairs you might make are:

  • Water leaks
  • HVAC problems
  • Broken toilet
  • Electrical work

Quick maintenance and repairs come with a lot of benefits other than staying compliant with tenants' rights.

Scheduling repairs fast increases the odds that your tenants will renew their lease. Additionally, unaddressed problems can evolve into more expensive repairs down the line.

Hire Rental Property Management in Tacoma, Washington

Rental property management services in Tacoma, Washington, can help you manage your rentals, starting with maintenance and repairs.

PMI South Sound is a full-service rental property management team with local expertise. With our network of contractors and maintenance coordination plan, we are the ideal choice for landlords.

For over 20 years, we've made property management manageable! Contact us today to learn about our high-quality services.
